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5 years down. 5 more to go!

5 years down. 5 more to go!

Celebrate 5 Years of Shopruthiette!Hello there doll! I am so excited that you are here. To know that your beautiful face is on the other side of this social world reading this blog post, truly makes me smile! I am so glad you landed here and hope that you keep coming back to read more of our posts. I am going to work hard to make sure and maintain this baby. I want it to be a place of love, encouragement, knowledge, inspiration, and community. 


I find it fitting that my first post is a walk down memory lane. This week we will celebrate 5 wonderful years in business. 5 years! How did that even happen? How has that much time passed? It’s true what they say, “the days are long and the years are short!”. As this milestone approaches, I have been reflecting on what I’ve learned, the mistakes I’ve made, the joys, the let downs, the triumphs, and the risky steps. Even though my time as an entrepreneur is short in the grand scheme of things, I feel like I have learned so much, not only about business, but about myself. I have learned who I really am and why I believe the Lord called me to this job. 


For those of you who are new to our community (#regularruthie), let me introduce myself. I’m Tara. I am a believer, a wife to my hunky husband for 6 years, a momma to my sweet baby boy Kruze, and a business owner to the core. I work more hours than I should and I am constantly brain storming. Shopruthiette is my first born. She is my heart and soul. She is my true love and my passion. 


I opened the doors to Shopruthiette in February of 2011. I was just a baby at the age of 23 and newly married. I had no experience running a business and much less a business degree. ( Mine was animal science! whoop!) But there were two things I knew. Number one, I loved fashion. As a teenager, I had EVERY month’s Instyle magazine and was named “best dressed” for my graduating high school class. It was something that always came easy to me. And second, I knew I loved people. I love talking with them, sharing with them, and just knowing them. So with a makeshift business plan, a family that supported me, and a vision, Shopruthiette came to life. I never envisioned that what started in a small 900 sq ft building would turn into 3400 sq ft store front with a back stock room and offices, a social store, and a website! I look back on those first few years and laugh. My innocence as a business owner is what I think made my business flourish. I had a heart and passion for success and entrepreneurship and pursued it without ceasing. When I look back and reflect on this career path, I only have one true thought, “though it may be tough, I would never change it”. So thank you for joining me on this journey! Thank you for buying the clothes I sell, for listening to me pour my heart out, and for sharing yourself with us! I can’t wait to see what we have ahead of us in the next 5 years!


Much love,


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